In the spring of 2015, I took a class on Toy Product Design.  In it, we went through the entire design process of ideation, creating prototypes that looked-like and worked-like the real toy, play testing and receiving feedback, iterating, and creating a finished product. Our product was an educational toy involving free building and was called Earthquake. The object of the game is to build a structure and then press a button to cause the board to vibrate and explore how well the structure withstood an earthquake! There are various modes of play ranging from individual play, timed play, player vs player, and random earthquake timing! 
Push toy I created to learn basic woodshop tools; my project team; our final product, Earthquake
Initial concept posters for three different ideas- we chose to move forward with Earthquake
Sketch models to test various ways of collapsing the structures people build on the platform. We tested a vibrating motor and a mode where the platform flips up to knock everything down. 
Refined works-like and looks-like models to test functionality and usability/aesthetics of the game
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